Invest in thriving communities and ecosystems!
Your donations directly plant community fruit trees. Consider mailing a check or making an online donation! Donors will be honored on signs attached to trees. Please let us know if you'd like a donation receipt for tax purposes. 10$ plants a grape vine, 25$ plants a fruit or nut tree! 100$ plants 5 trees!
While using If you need something on Amazon, and begin your shopping spree with this link, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the sale price to Help Yourself through their 'Smile' giving program. With enough support, this can add up - though direct donations are far more powerful.
We accept credit and debit cards using PayPal with the button below.
Materials wish list: We need these supplies on an ongoing basis:

- Mulch: Hay, mulch straw, wood chips, finished compost
- Garden tools: shovels, spades, trowels, pruners, clippers, bow saws, lawn mowers.zzz
- Materials: Non PT lumber for raised beds, black locust for trellises, flat stones for paths.
- Seeds: Vegetable, flower, cover crop or perennial seeds.
- Perennials sought: Divisions of hostas, day lilies, yucca, mints, herbs, ground covers, currants, gooseberries, elderberry and more are always needed. Fruit, flowering, and 'crab' trees can be transplanted if less than 3" in diameter. If you can spare some, get in touch! We'll do the digging.