Public & Government Institutions
Hampshire Council of Governments - Courthouse lawn, Northampton

With encouragement and support from Todd Ford of the HCG, and local landscaping gurus, we're polishing our design this winter for the prominent, "front lawn of Northampton" - the Hamp. Cty Council of Governments 'Courthouse Lawn', the first phase of which was planted in Spring '14. We're envisioning a perimeter hedgerow of native berry bushes, forest floor wildflowers and herbs sprawling beneath existing shade trees and around the building itself, and a few fruit trees staking out the sunnier parts of the lawn for good measure.
Forbes Library, Northampton

The Forbes now boasts an edible shade garden in its back lawn - wild ginger, fiddleheads, juneberries, sweet woodruff, and shade tolerant veggies like lettuce, nasturtiums and chives. More to come!
Non-profit & Community Organizations
Community Action!, Greenfield & Northampton

Community Action!, a regional non-profit providing affordable educational programs, resources and nutritional assistance, operates a number of pre-schools and playgrounds in Franklin and Hampshire Counties. We're planting at a number of locations: the Vernon St. School in Northampton, the Parent Child Development Centers in Amherst, and the Youth Programs building on Federal St., Greenfield. We plan to begin plantings in 2014 at the Washington St. Nursery program in Greenfield, and the G St. PCDC in Turner's Falls.

Northampton Survival Center: After construction in spring '14, we'll be planting berry bushes, pollinators and fruit trees.

Congregation B'nei Israel, Northampton: HYS contributed more than a dozen trees to the temple's Abundance Farm, offering grape vines, apple and Asian pear trees, herbs and more. All produce is free for public harvest, much going to the neighboring survival center.

Chabad Northampton, 81 Milton St.
4 Apple trees, asparagus, and 6 beach plums went in to the Chabad Northampton JCC / house on Milton St.
4 Apple trees, asparagus, and 6 beach plums went in to the Chabad Northampton JCC / house on Milton St.
Local Businesses

Tran's World Food Market, Rt. 9, Hadley
The first business abutting the bike path has signed on! We put in 3 heirloom apple trees in the sunny side lawn of Tran's WFM, a staple stop for exotic foods on Rt. 9, and hope to put in some Chinese chestnuts in their back yard.
The first business abutting the bike path has signed on! We put in 3 heirloom apple trees in the sunny side lawn of Tran's WFM, a staple stop for exotic foods on Rt. 9, and hope to put in some Chinese chestnuts in their back yard.